Friday, November 9, 2012

VIDEO: Farm to Fridge

Mercy For Animals presents Farm to Fridge. Narrated by Oscar-nominee James Cromwell, this powerful film takes viewers on an eye-opening exploration behind the closed doors of the nation's largest industrial farms, hatcheries, and slaughter plants -- revealing the often-unseen journey that animals make from Farm to Fridge.

Viewing Discretion is Advised for Minors of 13

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  1. Heney Leyva (period 4)
    I watched the video farm to fridge in class even though I've seen it before.
    I'm a vegan so when I watch the video and I felt like proud of myself but sad at the same time because I think is really cruel and also because people don't want to know the truth about how we eat.
    My opinion is that it is really wrong morally and I think we the vegan people should be more motivating so we can have a more humane society.

  2. Leydi Perez (Period: 4
    I watched the video farm to fridge in class and i had never watch something like that before. Its something really cruel and Im not proud of that type of things. People should the truth about this video and the television media should share it. In my personal opinion we are doing bad in the society with this types of cruelty and we should change that. We have to care animals and care ourself.

  3. I watched the video Farm to Fridge. This is an extremely sad video, revealing how animals are killed so we can eat the meat its just horrible. I can't believe they slam the baby pigs on the floor making them suffer probably some don't even die with the first hit and they just stay there suffering. Imagine a baby is being born and as soon as he comes out, the doctor kills him just how those male chicks are killed. I personally think that's wrong but I mean, humans will be humans and they will kill. Yet, THEY'RE IDIOTS!

    Dadiel (p.4)

  4. I watched the video farm to fridge and i think that this is a VERY violent way to kill animals. Animals are also living beings that they could feel like humans do. Im not a vegetarian but personally this is not a way to kills animals this people dont deserve to be living !!

    Diego victora P.2

  5. I watched "Farm to Fridge'' and I think that what they do to the animals is completly wrong. The cruelty for the animals goes over the limits. They don't feel compassion for the animals and treat them like object knowing that the animals have feelings, too.

    Marisleidy Acosta

  6. I watched the video FARM TO FRIDGE and i think that is very cruel treament to animals I dont understand how they can do this.. these peolpe havent scruples.. they dont know the compassion to the living beings ..
    this is not way to treating animals is completely illegal
    i disagree it

    Hernandez Claudia (2)

  7. After watching this video I realized all the suffering they go through these poor and innocent animals to finally finish turned into a piece of meat that many of us eat. So I think we need to raise awareness and further support the industry, there are many varieties of foods that are very similar and do not cause much pain in these animals.

    Legna Pantoja P.6

  8. Todays days people needs to be awareabout what is happening in this world with the people who are killing animals and abusing of them. In the meet industriesthe men who work there are very evil with all tehe animals including chiks. They doesnt have feelings for them thats why the world has to change and every person in this world have to b aware about what is happening with. Every person has to have mercy with all the animals because they are livings being and they feel pain like us.

    Jose Cardet
    Period: 2

  9. Is impossible watch this video and not mourn. Is unfair that thousands of animals are slaughtered every day just because humans like to taste a piece of meat. Is sad to know that all my life I've eaten corpses of creatures that like I feel and suffer. So I say no to animal abuse! Not killing animals! Enough of them suffer, stop the killings!

    Lorenys Rodriguez P:2

  10. This video is hard to see, for the animals that are being abused. I want a better world and what we should do is protest and share this video for everyone to see and try to stop the slaughter for the animals. I think that the people that are done those horrible things they need be punished for kill animals.

    Lisandra Tabio
    Period 2
    Esol 1

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